CycleBoss Pages


The future of obesity

Obesity Continues its Upward Trend

  According to this article in the LA Times, 42% of all Americans will be classified as obese by the year 2030.  The government has spent years telling Americans to exercise more and eat less.  Despite this, the country's obesity index is continuing to trend upward.  What gives?  It's easy to lay it all at the feet of our hamburger culture.  It's easy to say, "Well, we're sitting in front of the PC all day long."
  If so, then why was obesity among kids a problem back in the 1930s?  Why do obese workers in heavy manual jobs, such as construction, work and hustle all day, year in and year out, but still carry 300lbs plus?  True, average calorie consumption has skyrocketed over the past 30 years just as a new generation of TV game consoles and sedentary work habits came into play, but that alone cannot account for the rising obesity rate.
  Point is, it's time to rethink the way we think about fat.  Yes, the basic food intake-exercise=weight loss equation is in the mix in there, but different people react in different ways to this dynamic.  It is not a one-size-fits-all proposition.
  Over the next few weeks, we'll integrate some new thoughts on fat while getting into cycling tips and articles.  In the meantime, keep the rubber side and down and ride on!


High-end bike thefts in LA

Thieves target high-end bikes in LA

I'm glad these guys were caught. Fronting for the bicycle equivalent of a chop-shop operation, they stole bikes worth thousands of dollars just to get a few hundred. More than the money, though, they stole someone's passion.
The lead of the story has a passage about a 14-year old whose bike was stolen. I certainly hope they are able to recover most of the bikes, although chances are many have already been broken down into components.

The only way to travel

To borrow a page from the surfers, cycling isn't just a thing you do - it's a frame of mind.  Whether you're riding in the city, in the country, on the beach, in the mountains or all of the above, when you're on your bike, you're one with the road.

Summer is coming up (for those of us in the northern hemisphere) and that means it's time to get the bike in peak shape.  So whether your thing is mountain biking, road racing, touring or commuting, let's share the cycling experience.

What are you waiting for?  Let's ride.